ELTE Néderlandisztika Tanszék

Thomas Rosenboom(April - May)


Thomas Rosenboom (1954) visits the Dutch Department at the Eötvös University as writer-in-residence. He is one of the most prominent prose writers of the Netherlands. In 2007 there was a translation workshop organized by the Dutch and Hungarian Translators' Houses around a short story of his 'De jongen met de viool.'


During his stay in Budapest in 2009 he is going to give a series of lectures on his historical novel 'Publieke Werken' (1999). This novel will be published in Hungarian translation (Judit Gera and Zsófia Tálasi) by Gondolat Publishing House for the International Budapest Book Fair 2009.


The visit of this outstanding Dutch author is subsidized by the Dutch Literary and Translation Foundation.



More about Thomas Rosenboom: here
