ELTE Néderlandisztika Tanszék


Dutch and English speaking Helpdesk Analyst in Budapest



EU-JOBS Kft. is a fast-growing recruitment company. Our international customer is looking for a

Dutch and English speaking Helpdesk Analyst in Budapest



  • Handling inbound phone calls and e-mails regarding specific applications and softwares
  • Properly logging each case in the computer system
  • Solving the problems effectively and following-up unsolved cases
  • Cooperate with colleagues abroad too


  • Fluency in Dutch and English is a must
  • User level computer literacy and desire to learn more about ICT solutions
  • Willingness to work in shifts
  • Strong customer orientation
  • Excellent problem solving and communication skills
  • Flexible, open minded and cheerful personality
  • Fresh graduates are welcome


What we can offer:

  • Competitive benefit package,
  • Multinational culture and membership of a lively team
  • Modern work environment
  • Talent management program and career opportunity
  • Possibility to learn more about ICT and acquire certificate


If you are interested in the position please send your CV in English to the following email address referring to the name of the position: helpdesk@eujobs.hu

Finn/flamand/norvég nyelvi telefonos tesztelőket keresünk!

Feladat: különböző állásokra pályázók nyelvismeretének telefonos tesztelése az alábbi idegen nyelveken:

-          Finn

-          Flamand

-          Norvég


Amit kínálunk:

-          versenyképes bérezés

-          szakmai tapasztalatnak kiváló

-          nem helyhez kötött munka

-          alkalmi munkalehetőség – tanulmányokkal, egyéb munkával könnyen összeegyeztethető

-          azonnali kezdés



-          a felsorolt nyelvek felsőfokú szintű ismerete

-          legalább BA/BSc diploma

-          kiváló szóbeli kommunikációs képesség, határozottság, magabiztosság, rugalmasság

-          saját mobiltelefon


Előnyt jelent:

-          a felsorolt nyelvek anyanyelvi szintű ismerete

-          vizsgáztatói tapasztalat


Jelentkezés önéletrajzzal: pali.nora@karrier.elte.hu

ELTE Egyetemi Szolgálatszervező Kft.

1052 Budapest, Gerlóczy u. 11.

Tisztelt Hölgyem/Uram!
Szeretném a segítségét kérni abban, hogy az alábbi álláslehetőség eljusson azokhoz a hallgatókhoz, akik szívesen vállalnának multinacionális cégnél teljes vagy részmunkaidős állást egyetemi tanulmányaik mellett.
Jelenleg olyan jelentkezőkre van szükség, akik holland nyelven felsőfokon kommunikálnak, illetve legalább középszintű angol nyelvtudással bírnak. Levelemhez csatolom a pályázati kiírást, a jelentkezők önéletrajzát a students.programme@gmail.com e-mail címre várjuk. Kérdés esetén személyesen is szívesen állok rendelkezésükre, időpontot ezen az e-mail címen keresztük tudunk egyeztetni.
Aszódi Éva

Multinacionális cégnél teljes vagy részmunkaidős állás egyetemi tanulmányok mellett.

Jelenleg olyan jelentkezőkre van szükség, akik holland nyelven felsőfokon kommunikálnak, illetve legalább középszintű angol nyelvtudással bírnak. Alább olvasható a pályázati kiírás.

A jelentkezők önéletrajzát a students.programme@gmail.com e-mail címre várjuk.

Köszönettel:Aszódi Éva


Dear Student!


A multinational company is looking for students who speak Dutch and English.

The student would be the interface between the customer contacting and the customer’s HR Department with any HR or Expense related queries. 

The nature of the role is the same, however the variety comes with the calls/ e-mails. 


Role and Responsibilities


• For improvement to HR Handle telephone calls and e-mail's queries 

• Take ownership of the resolution of callers’ issues, giving guidance and solving problems at the first point of contact whenever possible within the target response time. Refer issues to Case Management SME when unable to resolve personally

• Log and track enquiries through to resolution using workplace processes and guidelines

• Communicate effectively to our customers on HR policy and processes, providing education where necessary

• Work as a member of a team to minimise customer wait times, maximise customer satisfaction and response accuracy

• Participate in information sharing with other members of the team. Identify trends and pass recommendations case management experts

• Take ownership of the resolution of callers’ issues, giving guidance and solving problems at the first point of contact whenever possible within the target response time. 

• Log and track enquiries through to resolution using workplace processes and guidelines

• Communicate effectively to our customers on HR/Expense tool and usability, as well as on country specific policy and processes, providing education where necessary

• Support other HRC Departments with Compliance Test or any other activities upon management request

• Work as a member of a team to minimise customer wait times, maximise customer satisfaction and response accuracy

• Ensure productivity and high level occupancy

• Follow business controls guidelines, corporate instructions and internal processes during work 



High School diploma/GED

Dutch: fluent

English: at least intermediate



A Geodis Calberson Hungaria Kft. a világ több mint 50 országában működő, 30.000 főt foglalkoztató, dinamikusan fejlődő, francia tulajdonú logisztikai szolgáltató vállalat. Budapesti irodánkba keresünk tehetséges és motivált kollégát


 Ügyfélszolgálati munkatárs




A kolléga megszervezi a vevői megrendelések kiszállítását a központi raktárból, fogadja a reklamációkat, és ha szükséges, intézi a termékcserét.



  • Középfokú/Felsőfokú végzettség,
  • 1-2 éves szakmai tapasztalat szállítmányozás vagy ügyfélszolgálat területén,
  • Angol és holland nyelvtudás tárgyalóképes használata,
  • Pályakezdők jelentkezését is várjuk!


 Kiváló kommunikációs készség,

  • Ügyfélközpontúság,
  • Rugalmasság,
  • Kiváló problémamegoldó készség.

 Amit kínálunk:

  • Versenyképes fizetés,
  • Stabil nemzetközi logisztikai háttér,
  • Előrelépési lehetőség.


Amennyiben felkeltettük érdeklődését, kérjük, szíveskedjen magyar és angol nyelvű pályázatát az alábbi elérhetőségre elküldeni:



További információért kérjük, hívja a következő telefonszámokat: (+36) 1 880 9300 vagy (+36) 1 880 9326.

Nederlandse Ambassade zoekt receptioniste

Basic details of job


Job title: Receptionist/switchboard operator
Unit/mission: BDP-AZ/CZ
Job level: 04
Number of hours: 37.5

General features of job

  • The receptionist/switchboard operator operates the telephone switchboard and performs reception duties.
  • She also takes care of a constant stock and administration of office supplies.
  • She is responsible for sending the outgoing mail.
  • The receptionist/switchboard operator is accountable to the HBV and Plv-HBV for the quality of his/her switchboard and reception work.
  • The set rules and procedures for telephone traffic are applicable.
  • The receptionist/switchboard operator takes decisions about putting telephone calls through, referring visitors, providing information and receiving postal mail.

Possible duties

  • Operating the telephone switchboard by:
-putting incoming calls through or, if this is unsuccessful, referring them elsewhere;
-passing on messages and questions to the responsible section/person;
-taking care of replacement during short absence.
  • Performing reception duties by:
-monitoring the entrances and open the door for staff and visitors;
-she stays in close contact with the security guard to prevent incidents;
-speaking to and referring visitors;
-announcing visitors to the embassy staff member concerned.
  • Handing out / sending new travel documents to consular clients
  • Keeping stock and administration of the Embassy's office supplies by:

-receiving requests, handing out and administrating office supplies (pens, paper, cartridges, staples etc.);
-preparing new orders for approval by Plv-HBV;
-placing the orders.


Actual duties


Description of duties:
• Operate the telephone by answering, connecting people or taking messages
• Receiving clients from the Consular Section and perform basic Front Office duties
• Receiving guests of Embassy staff
• Renewing Diplomatic ID's for expats of the Embassy and their family
• Making hotel reservations
• Keeping the office supply administration and stock up to date
• If necessary perform other tasks than mentioned if they are relevant for the running of the Embassy
• If necessary provide services to HBV in the field of secretarial, administrative, translation and interpretation work

Description of result areas:
• The Embassy's incoming phone calls need to be answered at all times and as soon as possible
• Visitors need to be attended directly after entering the building
• Office supplies need to be available at all time
• Office administration need to be up to date at all time



The Embassy has in total six departments. The AZ/CZ department has apart from the receptionist 6 employees: the head of the department (HBV) , the deputy HBV, consular assistant, the administrative assistant, one driver, and a guard-gardener-driver. Together they are responsible for a professional and pleasant environment in which the other sections can perform in a successful way.



The receptionist is a friendly, supportive, flexible and pro-active person who likes to work with other people. She works well under pressure and has a high degree of social intelligence, which will enable her to develop excellent working relations with both expatriate and Hungarian members of the Embassy staff, with relations of the Embassy and within the field of customer satisfaction. She speaks a good level of Hungarian, English and Dutch language and is willing to invest effort in the development of her abilities to perform her tasks well and prepare herself for new tasks if they are added to her portfolio.


Knowledge and skills

Level of education: pre-vocational level (plus relevant courses)
Level of experience: some experience required

  • General knowledge of the organisation and its way of working.
  • Knowledge of the rules and procedures for telephone traffic.
  • Skill in speaking to telephone callers.
  • Skill in speaking to visitors.
  • With Ministry and mission staff and third parties, to connect/refer telephone calls and provide information.
  • With MoFa concerning applications for Diplomatic ID's
  • With visitors, to refer and announce them and provide information.
  • With security staff, to cooperate in controlling access to the building.
  • With suppliers of office supplies and postal delivery companies.

Other remarks (to be completed by mission)

The receptionist/switchboard operator's main task is to take care of phone calls and help visitor's. Her other tasks are of secondary importance in case her main tasks take all her time.
